Each client culturally shares their story with the world as told by a symphony of people who embody that vision and add their own unique contribution that caters to a very specific audience, challenge, or experience. For us, authentically being in-service to those stories is a practice in continually letting go of our preconceived notions about what is “best” based on our history or experiences elsewhere and discovering what ideas empower our client’s story.
Along that road we've discovered that the source of those ideas can look a lot like a couple university students sitting on the back of a car in an empty parking garage at 4am, a few travelers sharing an AirBnB while exploring a new culture, or a moment of crisis when vulnerability is heightened and potential failure imminent. That the greatest successes are measured by what they inspire in others. That collaboration heightens the experience of innovation and enriches the celebration of memories. That a single conversation can make a global impact, take on a life all its own, provide purpose, and impact lives positively regardless of monetary gain.
The ideas that excite us are the ones that capture our soul and won’t let go. No matter how tired, busy, or distracted we may be; they still demand mental space, keep us up at night dreaming, and pumped to get out of bed to implement in the morning. Those are the ones we find worth pursuing, allocating our resources to, sacrificing our time for, and sharing with others.